
Edgar D. Tillyer Award

The Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington DC has awarded our CEO Pablo Artal with the prestigious Edgar D. Tillyer Award. “Dr. Artal’s contribution to the study

ESCRS farewell

ESCRS has come to an end with really fruitful discussions from KOL in the cataract & refractive surgery field. Many interest for our unique technology

ESCRS 2019

We will be attending to the ESCRS in Paris to introduce our unique IOLs! We will also do demos of our visual adaptive optics simulator

ArtIOLs: Art made lenses

ArtIOLs are designed with unprecedented technology, giving a premium solution for cataracts correction! Coming soon!

Naukas interview with Pablo Artal

Naukas took place in Murcia on May 11th, in the Teatro Romea of Murcia. In addition to interesting scientific lecturess, they had an interview with