Clinical outcomes of an inverted meniscus IOL providing full range of vision

ESCRS Annual Meeting 2024
Inés Yago, José Maria Marín, Consuelo Robles, Lucia Hevella, Encarna Alcon, Eloy Villegas, Pedro Prieto, Harilaos Ginis and Pablo Artal

Purpose: To evaluate visual and refractive outcomes of a binocular combination of two models of a new inverted meniscus intraocular lens (IOL), ArtIOLs® 40 and ArtIOLs® 70 (ArtIOLs, Voptica SL, Murcia, Spain) with full range of vision. These IOLs improve the peripheral optical quality and induce low (ArtIOLs® 40) and moderate (ArtIOLs® 70) amount of negative spherical aberration to increase the depth of focus.

Setting/Venue: Oftalvist clinic of Murcia, Spain; University of Murcia, Spain

Methods: 54 patients were implanted bilaterally with ArtIOLs® 40 and ArtIOLs® 70 to provide full range of vision. One month after surgery, best-corrected defocus curve was measured (+1.00 to -3.00 in 0.50 D steps). UCVA was measured at far, 66 and 40 cm, using trial lenses of -1.5 and -2.5 D. In 35 patients, binocular uncorrected defocus curve was also measured. Measurements were done in LogMAR using SLOAN charts (photopic conditions). Additionally, 41 patients were surveyed for spectacle independence using the Patient Reported Spectacle Independence Questionnaire (PRSIQ) and for negative visual symptoms (glare, haloes, starburst, etc.) using the Quality of Vision (QoV) questionnaire.

Results: Monocular CDVA (LogMAR) was -0.03 and -0.02 for ArtIOLs® 40 and ArtIOLs® 70, respectively and binocularly -0.03. Monocular UCVA were -0.01 and 0.03 at far, 0.12 and 0.01 at 66 cm and 0.36 and 0.14 at 40 cm for ArtIOLs® 40 and ArtIOLs® 70, respectively. Binocular UCVA was -0.02 at far, 0.00 at 66 cm and 0.10 at 40 cm for 54 patients. In 34 patients, VA was 0.20 LogMAR or better for all the distances (+1.00D to -3.00D), complying with the new ISO standard requirement for Full Visual Range IOLs. None of patients surveyed reported negative visual symptoms and likewise all patients reported to be comfortable at all distances all time or most of the time without glasses.

Conclusions: The Full Vision Range IOLs implanted binocularly (ArtIOLs® 40 and ArtIOLs® 70) significantly extended the depth of focus and provided excellent vision at all distances. Furthermore, high percentage of spectacle independence was achieved without the compromise of halos or dysphotopsias. In addition, these new IOLs improve the periphery performance due to their inverted meniscus design.